
Like South Mountain, this trail overlooks the city and every view is spectacular. Looking to the west, the vast city of Phoenix and to the East the beautiful McDowell Mountains. To the North you see Red Mountain and the Salt River. Since the trail is almost all down hill, be sure to stop and look at what you are riding in. The beauty of Arizona is at its peak. Since the trail is primarily down hill on loose disintegrating granite, make sure your brake pads are in good condition, you will use them a lot. After the 5 mile trail ride, which ends on Power Rd, simply ride the road back to the car parked at the shopping center. If you consider yourself a skilled rider and would like a challenge, ride Hawes in the reverse order as described above. You will have to be a good rider in strong physical condition to master the trail ahead. An intermediate to skilled rider should allow 1 to 1.5 hours to complete. Take plenty of water and an extra tube. The desertscape can cause a flat in no time.


Getting to Hawes is very easy. Take the US 60 East to Power Rd. Drive Northbound on Power Rd until you get to McDowell Rd. On the Southeast corner of Power and McDowell, there is an Albertson's shopping center. Park here to begin the ride. Ride your bike Eastbound on McDowell Rd for about 2 miles. You will then come to the Hawes Rd intersection, turn left and ride for another 1.3 miles to get to the trailhead. The 3.3 miles from the shopping center is all paved and is all up hill. This is a great warm up and gets the blood pumping before you begin the single-track, Hawes Rd. dead ends at the trailhead. Simply keep riding straight on ahead to access the trail.